New community features. New artistic goals.

10/14/20222 min lugemine

Summer of 22 changed my perspectives. I've was performing in big festivals in Switzerland, Germany and smaller and nice festival in Romania. I was sharing a pitch with top professional artist and musicians. And I've done my first solo tour in Estonia.

The street became too small for my show. But my show is too small for a dancehall full of people.

There is only one way! Up! My dream is to make concerts full of people dancing and going nuts. And my goal is to build a community with me.

I put new goals for myself.

  • Patreon. A platform for content creators and community. New music. New vlog videos from Africa, Brazil. Patreon is about building a community that would stimulate me to create new music pieces. Choose the amount you can contribute monthly and follow my musical adventure.

  • Newsletter. Monthly or once in a quarter. Now my friends who don't have social media could stay in touch with me. In home page find "newsletter" and drop your email there.

  • New Single. Mix of middle eastern clarinet, percussion, Swedish violin, lyrics and electronic music. A cover song that I have been working from June and have been performing on festivals. Currently only on Patreon channel. Soon to be accessible to everyone.

  • New percussion and drum setup. This year I started doing international festivals and own shows this year. It changes things a lot. I will experiment with drums that I brought from Africa and Brazil and create unique drum setup and to compose music on top of my rhythms. It is an my money investment and an adventure. Being a Patreon member would help me a lot.

  • Telegram channel. Live chat discussions.

  • New promo video. Soon.

  • Updated website. Blog where I post new content. Soon will translate into Estonian, Russian and Italian languages.

  • Livestreaming. Not yet. After Patreon is established and community is growing I could invest money into livestreaming equipment. People could see me tailoring new songs. And live performance. It a great tool for a content creator and community.